Friday, January 26, 2018

Class on 1/30/18

Class will meet in the Learning Center at 7:15. You must sign in to show with your student number to show me you went to class. 

Read Chapter 2 of La Línea. Read 2 times: the first time without stopping. Then read again and underline important parts and circle words you don't know. Stop and look them up in a dictionary. Then write 6 vocabulary words (write definitions in your own words). Email me your vocabulary words. This is due on 2/1/17 by 10:00 PM.

Class on 1/25/18

Warm Up: Students read their family paragraphs to a partner. Then they discussed their families (with out reading) and had to maintain eye contact for 60 seconds. The listener also had to maintain eye contact. Partners switched.

Roll Call: each student responded to one of the following questions:
Talking to a partner what did you learn about yourself?
What did you learn about your partner?

Workbook page 8: focus on underlining key points about Steve Jobs. Some students reported out.

Discussion regarding Building your own Vocabulary words.

Updates: Class next week is in the Learning Center

Read Chapter 1 of La Línea. Read 2 times. The first without stopping. Then read again and underline important parts and circle words you don't know. Stop and look them up in a dictionary. Then write 6 vocabulary words (write definitions in your own words). Email me your vocabulary words. This is due on 1/30/17 by 10:00 PM.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Warm Up:
The teacher circulated and asked students one on one for a Steve Jobs fact they learned from the reading. Students wrote three facts about Steve Jobs and practiced writing a lie. They discussed facts in pairs and tried to trick their partner with the one lie.

Best examples of facts:
  • Steve Jobs did not like being told what to do. 
  • He was adopted. 
  • He did not graduate from college
An example of a Lie: Steve Jobs was really a woman.

Review of use of quotes vs paraphrasing

Whole class practice using simple past tense "ate" and various savory foods or desserts were recorded on the board. 

Review of first writing samples:
Importance of having a Subject and Verb in each sentence. Often our subjects are the subject pronouns: I, you, he she it, we, and they. Often they start sentences and the easiest one to miss is "It" especially when working with the to be verb. "It's" is both the subject It and the verb is.

Write a Paragraph describing your family. This is your definition of family. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Class on 1/18/18

Warm Up
In Pairs students discussed a movie or book they like. Later they joined another pair and in groups of four then learned each others names and the book or movie that they like. Later, a volunteer from each group reported out the names and favorites of each classmate in their group. Students did a great job!

Roll Call and Simple Past Tense
Two volunteers recorded verbs while each student stated one thing they did that morning. No verbs could be repeated. Students did very well.

Writing Sample
Students were asked to write a paragraph about the same book or movie that they already discussed. No rules or review of paragraph definitions were discussed. The first review of samples shows a good understanding of formatting, use of subjects, and periods. There was some run on sentences. All students used some periods successfully.

Students got hand outs of pages 3-6 as not all students have the books.
Read about Steve Jobs pages 3-5. Read 1 time without stopping. Read a second time and look words up in a dictionary. Compile a list of 8 words and explain what they mean in your own words. DO NOT COPY THE DEFINITION FROM A DICTIONARY BUT PROCESS AND EXPLAIN AS IF TO A FRIEND. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Class on 1/16/18

Email your instructor the answer to this question: Does Garth need glasses to read?  

Written and with a partner

Roll Call

Review of Syllabus and Class Rules

Presentation Rules:

A. Walk slowly with your back straight to the front of the room
B. Say "Good Evening"
C. State you name
D. Say "Thank you."
E. Don't Laugh
F. Don't apologize!
G. Walk slowly back to your seat.

Students Practices the above presentation. The teacher gave suggestions/advice. The whole class did very well.

Buy the Books (see below)
Email garth the answer to this question: Does Garth need glasses to read?  

Welcome to Spring 2018

ESL 913 Reading and Speaking-Listening III

Our Syllabus: ESL 913

These are the required texts: 
Product Details

Older Version of La Línea (acceptable)