Thursday, March 31, 2011

Class on 3/31/11


Individually students reviewed and rewrote their corrected paragraphs.

Whole class review of turning Questions into statements for use as the first sentence of a paragraph. Then the whole class copied the professors example of a "perfect" paragraph on: "What are the four themes of Chapter One?"
     Ethic of Social Reform
     Importance of Childhood
     Transmitting of Values

Then professor demonstrated a "perfect" homework example of a paragraph. Students took transcription and then "traded and graded."

Students then were asked to write their own paragraph on "What are the three criteria of Developmentally Appropriate Practice?"

Students worked in pairs with the Present Progressive Handout.

Homework: Read about "Word Pictures" starting on page 99 and read until the end of page 102. From page 102 choose 10 words you think should be vocabulary words for the class and write a definition for each one. Practice the dialogues from the handouts. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Class on 3/24/2011

Note: many students were absent (due to weather?) today.

Homework and Quiz review

In Groups students read the following sections: pages 35 to 40
    Ethic of Social Reform
    Importance of Childhood
    Transmitting Values

Instructor demonstrated reading to children using "Dmitri the Astronaut." Students wrote a paragraph explaining what happened in the story

Read page 50, 51 and 52 about "Developmentally Appropriate Practices" Do not read "DAP Principles in Action"
Finish Handout section 4 and 5

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Class on 3/17/2011

Students reviewed homework

Individual students read passages out loud to the whole class from the Head Start information in our book. Individuals wrote three questions about Head Start. As a whole class students answered the questions.

Past Tense Quiz

Demonstration on reading to children: "The Snowy Day" Students will have to prepare a presentation of a children's book in English. Students agreed that the following books should not be used:
   The Very Hungry Caterpillar
   Brown Bear, Brown Bear
   Five Little Monkeys
   Good Night Moon

Past Tense worksheets: In Pairs students practiced the past tense dialogues and then dialogued about new years eve 1999 and also last weekend.

Handout part 1, 2 and 3.
Write a paragraph about your favorite children's book when you were 5 or 6 years old.
    What happened in the book? Who was it about? When would adults read to you? 
    Who would read to you?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Class on 3/10/2011

Home work review
Students filled out Cañada survey re satisfaction and retention
Quiz review.

Irregular Past Tense
    Practice Quiz: (from same half sheet) broke, did, ate, found, went, spent, won, was, were and repeating: spoke, thought, and brought
    Practice paragraph: What did you do last weekend?

In pairs corrected weekend homework and read homework on FCC and Child Care Centers.
Sample paragraph:

       "Family Child Care and Child Care Centers are different but they share some important similarities. First, they are both regulated by California Licensing regulations and visits. They both try to provide flexible hours for working parents. And while each emphasizes different ages the both serve children between the ages of three to five. Family Child Care and Child Care Centers work together to help serve children and families."

Students who did poorly on last quiz had an opportunity to retest at the end of class.

Homework: Read regarding Head Start (pages 29 and 30). Identify three important facts and write a paragraph using your own words to describe: "What makes Head Start unique?"

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Class on 3/3/2011

Students read their homeworks and discussed Nursery Schools in pairs. Pairs tried to answer the following questions:

What did "laboratories" do or try to study in Nursery Schools?

Do parents still use the word Nursery School or is it old fashioned?

Choose a good quote from the passage.

Students worked in new pairs and used worksheets on past events and favorite movies to practice speaking and listening skills (from Focus on Grammar page 49 & 50).

Students read independently page 50 on "Looping" and were asked to define/expain the concept in one sentence and to use their own words (this time no quoting allowed).

Students took a quiz focused on Irregular Past Tense verbs.

Read pages 61 and 62 about Child Care Centers and Family Child Care. Write a paragraph to explain:
"What are the similarities between Child Care Centers and Family Child Care?"