Friday, November 18, 2011

Class on 11/17/11

Class reviewed corrected Mid-terms.

Individually students studied their corrected paragraphs, re-wrote them and read them to a partners. Partners also discussed their corrections and what they learned.

Whole class discussion of Final Project. Students will write a perfect resume designed for a child development career. See two Resume examples on Class Summary on

Class on 5/5/2011 (see side bar on right hand side)

Homework: submit on paper (but use a computer to create it) a first draft of your resume.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Class on 11/10/11

HBA Assignment # 4

Work with a Writing Tutor at least one time to write a perfect paragraph for ONE of the following

What is your experience working with Children from the ages of zero to five years of age?

What valuable lessons have you learned from your Early Childhood Education classes?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Class on 11/3/11

Whole class: students practiced pronunciation of irregular past tense verbs (see class on 10/27 for list). Students were assigned a survey question and surveyed 5 classmates. After many discussion stutents were asked to report back some of their "findings."Some typical answers were charted in a large table with emphasis on correct use of past tense in questions and negative or positive answers was emphasized.

Students read each others homework out loud to a partner. Instructor returned corrected homework and counseled students individually.

Students took a practice quiz with the same 16 verbs (teacher gave base or present tense form and students wrote the past tense form. Students corrected each others practice quizzes and gave back to owners and studied each other's work.

Students read a small section on Page 50 regarding Looping. Students were asked to write one original sentence that explained Looping or gave the Main idea regarding Looping. They then were asked to support there sentence with one poignant quote. The instructor circulated and made sure each student could write their original sentence.

Homework: Read pages 50 to 52 regarding Developmentally Appropriate Practice. Write one original sentence that explains, What is the main idea of Developmentally Appropriate Practice? Support your sentence with one poignant or important quote. Study for Midterm: All irregular past tense verbs from original half sheet on 11/10/11.