Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Class on 10/30/13

Warm up: Students went online to read about the shooting of Andy Lopez in Santa Rosa. Individual students were asked to write about the following questions:

1. What happened in Santa Rosa last week?
2. Would the police have acted differently if Andy had looked like he was White or Asian?
3. Could the same thing happen in your town?
4. Did Andy do anything wrong? Could his parents have done anything to protect him?

Students then wrote a paragraph on the following question:

Do you trust the police where you live? Describe a specific story or encounter with the police. (Try to write about what has happend to you, your friends or your family.)

The instructor reminded students about the rules of the introductory sentence and offered several sentences as examples:

  • "I trust the police in the town where I live."
  • "I don't trust the police and try to avoid them."

Students then read out loud their paragraphs to a partner. The instructor collected the paragraphs.

Students took out their homework (20 sentences on words given on 10/28/13) and read out loud to a  partner.

Students then presented 3 of their best sentences to the whole class.

Students reviewed Cañada's Spring Catalogue and discussed briefly the class options.

Homework: Read pages 56 and 57. Complete 2 prep questions from page 58 and complete page 60 including the Thank you letter.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Class on 10/28/13

Warm Up: Students thought about three important or interesting events in their lives. They then wrote Three titles made to sound like movie titles to represent each. Students presented one or more for the whole class.

The instructor met individually with students and showed them a corrected homework paragraph from last week.

Students then were asked to write a paragraph about one event (or to describe the broadly the whole weekend).

Students turned the paragraph into the teacher. Students were then asked to prepare a short presentation for the whole class on the same topic that they chose to write about. The instructor gave feedback and recorded the one area that each student should focus on. Common strengths: students are more confident. They are standing still and talking clearly and loudly. Common areas that students should work on: focus on individuals in the audience (not just the instructor). Don't look to the ceiling when thinking. No hands in pockets. Important: the presenter should never apologize about their presentation. 

Pairs read from the reader pages 50 through 56
  1. achieve
  2. across
  3. argument
  4. believe
  5. business
  6. calendar
  7. cemetery
  8. conscious
  9. definitely
  10. disappear
  11. embarrass
  12. finally
  13. friend
  14. happened
  15. immediately
  16. interrupt
  17. necessary
  18. remember
  19. successful
  20. tomorrow
  21. tongue
  22. wherever
The list is pulled from

Homework: Choose 20 words from above and write a sentence for each one. 

Class on 10/23/13

The whole class went to Cañada's main campus and attended a Reading by Lac Su. Students then met in the Learning Center for a quick tour and a debriefing regarding the speaker's presentation.

Homework: see homework presented on 10/21/13

Monday, October 21, 2013

Class on 10/21/13

Students wrote three sentences about their weekend. Then they surveyed other students until they had recorded four different actions (and the student's name). Students then reported out to the whole class.

Students then reviewed paragraph rules, and offered good examples of an intro sentence on the topic of "last weekend."Students then wrote individually a paragraph about their weekend activities.

Students read two paragraphs about Lac Su and then a page and a half from his memoir (See Below). Students defined new words and asked questions as the teacher read aloud.

The instructor built a Pro vs Con table and students offered their ideas regarding skipping our regular class and attending Lac Su's presentation on 10/23 at 6:00 PM. Students offered many pros and cons. In the end a final vote was 8 to go and no votes to stay and have regular class.

Students worked in the reader (alone and whole class) in the pages 46 and 47.

Homework: email the teacher two items: first draft of a resume, your corrected (2nd draft) of your Letter of Application

Dear colleagues,
Please join us and bring your classes for   in the Main Theater: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013 at 6:00-7:30pm and  Thursday, October 24th, 2013 at 9:30-11:00 am.

In his powerful memoir of growing up as a Vietnamese immigrant in LA in the 80’s,  Lac Su shares his personal struggles with assimilation, gangs, poverty, and an abusive parent with humor and honesty. His struggles and experiences are ones that many of our students deeply identify with. Selections from his book can be read alone, and raise issues related to history, immigration, political science, sociology and psychology, and parenting. We hope that you will consider using some of the resources below in your classes, and encourage your students to attend this exciting event.

Description from the back of the book:
As a young child, Lac Su made a harrowing escape from the Communists in Vietnam. With a price on his father's head, Lac, with his family, was forced to immigrate in 1979 to seedy West Los Angeles where squalid living conditions and a cultural fabric that refused to thread them in effectively squashed their American Dream. Lac's search for love and acceptance amid poverty—not to mention the psychological turmoil created by a harsh and unrelenting father—turned his young life into a comedy of errors and led him to a dangerous gang experience that threatened to tear his life apart.
Heart-wrenching, irreverent, and ultimately uplifting, I Love Yous Are for White People is memoir at its most affecting, depicting the struggles that countless individuals have faced in their quest to belong and that even more have endured in pursuit of a father's fleeting affection. Learn more about the book on Amazon, by clicking here: Link to the book on Amazon

To learn more about his personal story and the book, you can watch this short video (16 min)  by clicking this link: "Making Of A Memoir" This video is a short documentary about Lac and his family, and gives a great introduction and teaser for the book.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Class on 10/16/13

Warm Up:

Students found one News story on line. They read three paragraphs of it and then finished the following sentence: "I chose a story about..."Then each student copied one good quote to capture the essence of the story.

Students took Quiz #4 on past tense verbs

Dessert Descriptions and Presentations
  • Students practiced the presentations skills that have been discussed in class
  • Students practiced listening for a recording a good quote from each presentation
Today's Homework collection- discussion

Reader pages 36 to 40. The instructor read some to the whole class. Then students worked in pairs and read to each other. The whole class discussed the resumé on page 41.

Homework: Students must write a draft of a resume. They will use the resume on page 41 as a template. This homework must be emailed to the instructor.

General Information Regarding Flu Shots:

The Health Center (bldg. 5 Rm. 303 next to The Grove) has flu shots available FREE for students and $10 for faculty/staff.

Please announce to your classes, thank you kindly! J


Krystal (Johnson) Martinez
Office Assistant
Disability Resource Center,
Psychological Services,
&Health Center
Fax to all Depts.: 650.306.3185
Cañada College
4200 Farm Hill Blvd.
Redwood City, CA 94061

Monday, October 14, 2013

Class on 10-14-13

Warm Up: Students discussed Halloween and its connection to the Day of the Dead. The instructor took an informal poll of students to see who celebrates Halloween and who does not.

Students discussed in pairs the News story that they chose for the homework. The instructor circled to work with pairs and individuals. Students made sure to write one summary sentence in their own words and two quotes.

Students then wrote a paragraph about the news story using a set scaffold presented by the instructor.

The whole class read the letter below about the College Savings Program. Students discussed the merits and their interest.

Whole class reviewed the reader pages 31 and 32. Students read out load from pages 33 and 34.

Homework: write your own letter based on the letter on page 35. Your letter should include two sentences talking about your qualities. 

Study for the Quiz (verbs form 10/7/13

Dear Instructors,
Canada College has partnered with Opportunity Fund to raise awareness about the College Savings Program.

Opportunity Fund is a non-profit organization offering to enroll students who fit certain low-income guidelines in a program called College Savings.  Through this program, a student opens a savings account, and the savings are then matched by the organization.  For every $1 the student saves, he/she earns $2, up to a total of $4,000.  This money can be used to pay for school, including paying school fees, buying books, or even purchasing a laptop.

What the program promotes: Personal financial management and creating a habit of saving in our community.

How College Savings helps your students: They can open an Education Savings account to give them money for tuition, textbooks, or even a laptop

How it works:

•         Opportunity Fund opens a savings account for the students and then matches their savings.
•         For every $1 the student saves, they can earn $2.  They can save up to $2,000 of their own money, and earn up to $4,000 in matched funds.

How students qualify:

*   We have income guidelines that determine whether or not a student can qualify to open up an IDA.  For a family of four, the household income must be $47,100 or less (adding $8,040 for each additional person).
How you can help: Make a short announcement to your classes about one of the upcoming on-campus orientation:
CIETL Bldg 9, room 154

Where to sign up: Signing-up for this orientation is required.   Students need to contact the EOPS/CARE/CalWORKs Office (9-133) at (650) 306-3300 prior to the orientation date.

Thank you for your support, and for helping us to make college more affordable for your students.
The Savings Team
Opportunity Fund

Angelita Hernandez | Savings Operations Administrator
Opportunity Fund | 111 W St. John St, Suite 800 | San Jose, CA 95113

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Class on 10/9/13

Class looked for news stories on line. they copied the Title and practiced reading it aloud in pairs and then in the whole class. Next students chose one title and tried to re-write it in their own words while retaining the original meaning.

Students went to the following NPR news story:

Lincoln Memorial

  • Students wrote one sentence to summarize the story.
  • Students chose two quotes to best capture the essence of the story.
Students took a practice quiz on past tense verbs from 10/7/13.

Students were asked to reflect on their own families. They were asked to decribe in 3-5 sentences something unique about their family. Students practiced in pairs and then presented quickly in front of the whole class.

Homework: answer questions on page 32
                    Choose another news story

Monday, October 7, 2013

Class on 10/7/13

Students interviewed their classmates to find out what their favorite movies are: The students reported to the whole class and compiled a list

Class's favorite movies:

  • Scarface
  • Twilight
  • Titanic
  • The Mask
  • Enter the Dragon
  • The Game of the Dead
  • Secretariat
  • Billy Elliot
  • The Wedding Planner
  • Enough

Study these Irregular Past Tense Verbs:

  1. bleed     bled
  2. sting     stung
  3. grow    grew
  4. freeze   froze
  5. shake    shook
  6. bite       bit
  7. tear      tore
  8. sell      sold
  9. think    thought
  10. wear    wore

Students worked in pairs to read aloud and answer questions from pages 26 and 27 in the reader.
The whole class reviewed answers with the instructor and worked on pages 29 and 30

Write 10 sentences using the new past tense verbs above.
Read page 31 in the Reader

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Class on 10/2/13

Warm up:
Students used the class blog to link to CBET Blog and English resource pages. Whole class practiced general vocabulary and use of gerunds as compared to infinitives.

Quiz #3

Students quizzed three other students about what they ate for breakfast. Then individuals reported back to the whole class.

Whole class: Instructor drew a comparison between quoting and paraphrasing or summarizing.Students practiced finding the best quote from the EnglishLearners paragraphs about the British Astronaut and the Kangaroo who attacked an Australian politician.

Students chose one story from or other newspaper or news source. Then they tried to write 2 sentences to summarize and chose three quotes to support it.