Students re-wrote corrected homework.
Students wrote 10 sentences in simple past tense about Thanksgiving. Instructor circled and gave feedback. Then students read their own sentences. They then choose 3 sentences and created paragraphs.
Whole class discussion of next two classes. Students will read their final draft paragraphs (from Hours by Arrangement Assignment #4 on the final class.
Be prepared to incorporate teacher's corrections of your resume (did you save you first version digitally?)
Study your Midterm for the Final Exam on 12/8/11.
Students wrote 10 sentences in simple past tense about Thanksgiving. Instructor circled and gave feedback. Then students read their own sentences. They then choose 3 sentences and created paragraphs.
Whole class discussion of next two classes. Students will read their final draft paragraphs (from Hours by Arrangement Assignment #4 on the final class.
Be prepared to incorporate teacher's corrections of your resume (did you save you first version digitally?)
Study your Midterm for the Final Exam on 12/8/11.