Monday, September 29, 2014

Class on 10/1/14

Student brainstormed 77 verbs with their past tense spellings. Students then choose 10 verbs to study:

  1. prayed
  2. sang
  3. thought
  4. learned
  5. won
  6. saw
  7. flew
  8. wore
  9. left
  10. did
Students played a diversity game:

Diversity Exploration Instructions
  1. If a classmate can answer a question, ask him/her to sign the box
  2. Each person can answer only one question on your sheet
  3. You can sign your own name to one box
  4. You will have 10 minutes to get as many signatures as possible
  5. Remember: this is a fun exercise designed to explore diversity, not a competition!
Students wrote a past tense paragraph about Tuesday. All students started with the following sentence: "It was a terrible (terrific or typical) Tuesday."

Workbook. Pages 39 and 40

Homework: Read Gandhi: Chapter Three pages 7 to 10. Write 6 sentences in your own words about what happened in this part of his life.

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