Friday, December 10, 2010

Summary of 12/9/10 Class

Whole class discussion of current grades.

Return of Hours by Arrangement assignments. Individual and extended discussion with some students regarding missing assignments and their current grade.

First Student Oral Presentation: Curious George Plants a Tree

Return and discussion of paragraphs responding to topic: "What are three things you learned in Professor Palma's class?"

Students took a practice test. Afterwards the answers were discussed. The professor tried to make it clear that the final would be very similar in nature to the practice test.

Homework: Practice your children's literature selection and study for the final exam.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Summary of 12/2/10 Class

Returned corrected drafts to students. Individual comments
Whole Class discussion of Resume Drafts

Here is a summary of common Problems and Solutions
Objectives should be short: and Don’t say “I want…”
Education: Dates are optional and don’t list school before High School.
Work Experience- list dates or date ranges. Be specific regarding your title or previous titles and the ages of children you worked with. Be specific about the trainings you have attended.
“Social and Emotional development”
·             CPR Training  January 2010
·             MANDATED REPORTER TRAINING, January 2010
Job Duties- Be very specific
Designed lesson plans
Created Play-Do art lessons to teach counting
Wrote my own songs to teach math
Guided field trips
Ability to multitask
Ability to make children feel comfortable
Make connections easily with children
General tip: Keep it Formal. Don’t say: kids, babies or “I love to work with children”
 Hobbies or Interests
Be specific and tie it to work. Love to go running three times a week
Early Childhood Education Courses: Completed 9 units
·             ECE 210
·             ECE 210 (in progress)
Group Work: Students divided into groups of 2-3. Talked about life experiences that might translate well as skills in a Resume.  They wrote 5 examples. One example from each group was shared with the whole class. Some examples follow:
I have worked for three years providing excellent customer service.
Work in high paced environment providing customer service to diverse clientele.
Experience working with children with special needs.  
Work as Nanny in at these locations with these families

Homework: complete a typed final draft of your resume

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Summary of Class on 11/18/10

Instructor demonstrated another example of how to read in an engaging manner to an audience of  preschoolers.

Whole class review of common past tense verbs

In Class writing assignments:

What do you do every morning?

What did you do last weekend?

Whole class discussion of resume types and uses.
Emphasis on different convention of pronoun use and punctuation (often opposite to what has been taught this semester)

Homework: Create a draft of your own Resume

Friday, November 12, 2010

Summary of Class on 11/12/10

Instructor returned corrected paragraphs and whole class discussion/review of necessary aspect of a paragraph.
Introductions (and paragraph stays on this topic)
Specific facts (on same topic). Sentences must have punctuation.
Stays in chronological order.
Has an definite ending
Retains the look of a paragraph (indented and no extra spaces or line returns after sentences)

Individual in class work: Students rewrote their paragraphs and turned into the teacher.

In class paragraph writing assignment. "What are three things you did this morning?

Quiz: from reading of text: pages 139 to 141

1 Did the text focus on positive or negative modeling?
2 How is punishment different then negative reinforcement
3 Write 1 or 2 sentences on something you learned from the reading
4 Write a paragraph on "What are three things you learned in professor Palma's class?"

Read text pages 143 to 148 on Piaget

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Summary of Class on 11/4/10

Review of paragraph requirements:

In class writing assignment: "What did you do yesterday?

Discussion of Erikson's 4th stage of development

Group activity:

Form groups of 3 to 4 students and describe how to help different age children with assigned activities according to Erikson's insight regarding their stages.

Practice Quiz

Homework: Read text: pages 139 to 141 be ready for quiz

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Class on 10/21/10

Students reviewed their corrected homeworks. Students took a practice spelling test on the following words:
1. innate
2. environment
3. argument
4. pattern
5. assertive
6. maturation
7. emphasize
8. theory
9. development
10. quantitative

Small group discussion of Erikson's stages
Whole group reporting on the essence of each stage

Children's literature and finding vocabulary.

Homework: re read the description of Erikson's Stage 4 (page 137)
Write a paragraph about a child you know in ths stage or from a personal memory or yourself in this important developmental stage.

Class on 10/21/10

 Excerpt on Erikson's Theory,

           Play is a critical part of children's total development. Most schools for children under six have periods of time allotted for play called "choice time" or "free play." Erikson supports these ideas explicitly by stating that the senses of autonomy and of initative are developed mainly through social and fantasy play. He suggsst that child's play is "the infantile form of the human ability to deal with experiences by creating model situations and to master reality by experiment and planning...To 'play it out' in play is the most natural self-healing measure childhood affords" (Erickson, 1964).

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Class on 10/14/10

Class was cancelled (Garth was sick) but the homework for next class is below:


1. Please make sure your homework that was due for 10/14 is typed. Either on paper or in an email to me.

2. Read "Applying Erikson's Theory to Work with Children" (end of page 137 to start of page 138). Re- read the paragraph that begins "Play is a critical part..." Read it in Spanish too. Now write out the entire paragraph (in English) but use as many of your own words as possible. For example, the first sentence could become, "Playing is an important part of a child's full growth." You can use some of the same words but the object is to re-write the paragraph in a way that it "becomes" yours. Use a dictionary or thesaurus when necessary.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Summary of 9/23/10 Class

Warm up was reading out loud to children demo: The Foot Book, by Dr Suess
           Students practiced a selection of irregular past tense verbs. Quiz Next Class!
Corrected "Last Saturday" paragraphs returned. Students corrected and returned to the teacher. Students practiced spelling CLASS Evaluation tool vocabulary. Quiz Next Class!
Students discussed Word Pictures and from discussion students volunteered the following answers:
  1. Some general characteristics that correspond to each age.
  2. A guide or synopsis for what kids can do at each age
  3. We can see different activities that children can accomplish at each age.
  4. Characteristics (emotional or other) that children have at different phases
  5. Each stage explains characteristics of children
In pairs students practiced reading their “word pictures” out loud. Then they discussed which word picture (or pictures) was the most accurate. What word picture made you laugh?
HOMEWORK: Read the introduction/description of Word Pictures (pages 99, 100 and 101). Write one or two paragraphs and answer the following questions:
         How can "Word Pictures" help a teacher? How might they cause a problem?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Summary of 9/16/10 Class

Pairs or Triads discussed the passages that they were assigned in Chapter 2

Groups shared with the whole group highlights of what they learned from each section.

Whole group discussion about the importance of expressing your own ideas. We also discussed that the paragraphs that are required should have errors. Challenge yourself when you write. Make mistakes. I'll correct them. That is how I can help.

The CLASS observation tool was distributed to all students.

Homework: Sections from pages 104 and 105 were assigned. Students must study the words in their section (translate if necessary) and practice pronunciation.

The following students were absent and should study:

Elizabeth Page 107 "Cognitive" 
Griselda Page 103 Toddler "Social Emotional"
Jeanette S Page 103 Toddler "Language"
Sandra Page 103 Toddler "Physical-Motor"
All others Page 103 Toddler "Creative" and "Cognitive"

Friday, September 3, 2010

Homework for Class on 9/2/10

Preview all of Chapter 2. Look at pictures, read graphs and pay attention to the bulleted sections. Then look for your name and read the pages assigned to you (start with the main Title on the page assigned to you not the section that is just ending).

Write your OWN paragraph about what you learned and turn the paper in next Thursday.

Aida and Elizabeth       page 50 through 55
Ethel and Diana            page 55 through 58
Glayds and Anayeli      page 58 through 62
Jessie and Griselda        page 62 through 67
Jetzen                            page 67 through 71
Ivania                            page 71 through 79 (write 2 paragraphs)
Maria                             page 79 through 84

Class on 9/2

Whole class discussion of formal vs informal greetings in the workplace
Small group discussion re Montessori
Large group review of Maria Montessori's important contributions
Gloria's Introduction as our class aide and tutor
Punctuation practice

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Our Syllabus Page 1

Our Syllabus Page 2

8/26/10 Summary of Class

Students rewrote their Autobiographical paragraphs and whole class discussion of common errors and questions

Students Previewed the first Chapter "Educational History"

Alone or in pairs students looked over specific parts of the first chapter: pages 6 through 27

Groups reported to the whole class the following questions:

What period did my section cover?
Who did it discuss?
What was one of the most important points or features?
One other interesting fact.

Themes that emerged:
Ideas about education and children have changed over time
We can see a progression in education (but not always- Dark Ages for example)
Importance literacy and later of the invention of the printing press
First picture children's book 1658
Rousseau's Idea of Free Play (and children's inherent goodness)
and distinct phases of development
children learn from firsthand information

Read pages 18 and 19. Write a paragraph about what you learned.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

8/20/10 First Homework

What is your first childhood memory of being in preschool, nursery school, kindergarten or other? Describe  what happened and how you felt. Write about 4 or 5 sentences. Email me your answer (look on the syllabus for my email address).

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our Textbook