Wednesday, September 1, 2010

8/26/10 Summary of Class

Students rewrote their Autobiographical paragraphs and whole class discussion of common errors and questions

Students Previewed the first Chapter "Educational History"

Alone or in pairs students looked over specific parts of the first chapter: pages 6 through 27

Groups reported to the whole class the following questions:

What period did my section cover?
Who did it discuss?
What was one of the most important points or features?
One other interesting fact.

Themes that emerged:
Ideas about education and children have changed over time
We can see a progression in education (but not always- Dark Ages for example)
Importance literacy and later of the invention of the printing press
First picture children's book 1658
Rousseau's Idea of Free Play (and children's inherent goodness)
and distinct phases of development
children learn from firsthand information

Read pages 18 and 19. Write a paragraph about what you learned.

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