Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Summary of 9/16/10 Class

Pairs or Triads discussed the passages that they were assigned in Chapter 2

Groups shared with the whole group highlights of what they learned from each section.

Whole group discussion about the importance of expressing your own ideas. We also discussed that the paragraphs that are required should have errors. Challenge yourself when you write. Make mistakes. I'll correct them. That is how I can help.

The CLASS observation tool was distributed to all students.

Homework: Sections from pages 104 and 105 were assigned. Students must study the words in their section (translate if necessary) and practice pronunciation.

The following students were absent and should study:

Elizabeth Page 107 "Cognitive" 
Griselda Page 103 Toddler "Social Emotional"
Jeanette S Page 103 Toddler "Language"
Sandra Page 103 Toddler "Physical-Motor"
All others Page 103 Toddler "Creative" and "Cognitive"

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