Thursday, October 10, 2019

Class on 10/9/19 --Remember no Class on Monday 10/14/19--

Code Talkers During World War II

Pratice Quiz from reading on pages 35 and 36
1. This essay is about what language?
2. Why was it such an effective/good code?
No one knew it. Only the Navajo people.  Also 10 pronunciations for
each vowel. There were no code books.
3. What were ships named after? Fish and Whales etc.
4. Why did code talkers memorize everything? So if you get captured
 there was not book to steal!

How many generations back until your relatives
spoke something other than Spanish?

Student 1      Maya   4 generations ago
Garth            Norwegian 4 generations
Student 2      French 4 generations
Student 3      Masawa  1 generation
Student 4      German 5 generations

Garth's great, great, great, great , great grandfather was
Noah Webster (author of the first American dictionary- Websters's Dictionary.

Workbook pages 36, 37 and 38
Write down everything that happens in one dream.
Keep a notebook by your bed.
Listen to one song in English. Look up the words on line.
 (you can watch youtube videos with subtitles).

No Class on Monday 10/14/19!

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