Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Class on 12/9/19

Final Exam Study Guide

Practice Exam:
Change the following base verbs to simple past:
  1. Pay         paid
  2. Say         said
  3. Take      took
  4. Go         went
  5. See        saw
  6. Give       gave
  7. Get        got
  8. Think     thought
  9. Tell         told
  10.  Feel       felt
  11.  Bring      brought
  12.   Keep     kept
  13.   Write     wrote
  14.   Lose       lost
  15.   Fall         fell
  16.   Build      built
  17.   Understand  understood
  18.   Break    broke
  19.   Speak    spoke
  20.   Buy        bought

Change the following base verbs to formal future tense:
1.       See        I will see Frozen 2 tomorrow.
2.       Give       I will give the test on Wednesday
3.       Read      I will read the other stories in the workbook.
4.       Build      I will build a rocket ship and fly away
5.       Meet     We will meet in Paris next year.

Change the following base verbs to informal future tense:
1.       Shop      On Wednesday, I am going to shop all day.
2.       Study     Tuesday evening, I am going to study all night!
3.       Walk      On Tuesday, I am going to walk in the park.

Use the following infinitives in the command form to
write sentences you might have in a recipe:
1.       To cut     Cut the carrots in half lengthwise.
2.       To slice  Slice the tomatoes thinly.
3.       To boil    Boil the sauce for 10 minutes
4.       To brown  Brown each side of the fish.
5.       To heat  Heat the sugar for 5 minutes.

Answer the following questions truthfully.
Use the correct tense and negative form if needed.
1.       Did you jump out of an airplane last weekend? No, I didn’t.
2.       Last weekend, did you go to church? Yes, I did.
3.       Last weekend, did you visit your friend?
4.       Last Monday, did you go to school?
5.       Last weekend, did you drive to Seattle?
6.       Where did you go last weekend?

Read the essay on pages 113 and 114.
Then answer the following questions:
1.       Describe what makes SM unique.
2.       Where was SM born?
3.       How did Obama describe SM? “She is a symbol of the American dream.”
4.       When was she appointed to the SC? 2009
TIP: Study the other 4 stories/essays that we have not read.

Read the essay on pages ___ and ___. Then answer the following questions:

Read the essay on pages ___and ___. Then answer the following questions:

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Read Pages 113 and 114
Write three questions from the reading. Design them as if they were on the Final Exam.
Practice your Final Presentation one more time

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Class on 12/2/19

Practice your Vacation Story Presentation with one listener/audience.
Add details about the people you were with on your best vacation.

December Syllabus

Monday, November 25, 2019

Class on 11/25/19

Read pages 99 and 100
Complete page 101

Class Schedule
12/2/19                Last Quiz, Final Presentation First Draft, Verb practice
12/4/ 19               Second Draft (final presentation)
12/9/19                Final Presentations and Study Guide for Final Exam
12/11/19              Final Exam
12/16/19              Final Exam returned/graded & Potluck Celebration

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Class on 11/20/19


Read pages 91, 92, 93 and 94
Study the reading for Quiz #10
Practice your recipe presentation if you did not present on 11/18/19

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Class on 11/18/19

Review of past tense and future tense questions and answers in the negative:

"Did you play soccer? No, I didn't."

"Will you walk in the park on Saturday? No, I won't have time."

Page 75 Small group discussion on the origin of discrimination:

           Is Discrimination:
Learned       or           inherent?
nurture          vs           nature?

Do we all discriminate in subtle ways? When have you discriminated against someone based on how they dress?

Whole class: Workbook Pages 82 and 83

Homework: Workbook Pages 86, 87 and 88

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Class on 11/13/19

Students practiced Simple Past Tense (Negative statements) and the formal Future Tense (Negative statements. We continued to use common verbs for cooking.

Students took a Quiz #8 (on pages 79 and 80). They then graded each other's quizzes.

Students worked in groups of three or four students and presented their recipes to each other. Students tried to find a balance between the informal and the formal presentation while also practicing to present next week to the whole class.

Complete pages 82 and 83
Read pages 84 and 85
Study these pages for a quiz on Monday
Practice you Recipe Presentation (find at least on English speaker for the audience) 
Whole class presentations will start on Monday  

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Class on 11/6/19

Warm up: in pairs students wrote as many elephant facts as they could remember from our two articles. Then we had a "contest" and wrote 8 facts on the board

Quiz # 7 on pages 70 and 71

Workbook pages 72 and 73

Re-write your corrected recipe:
Read pages 77 to 80 (prepare for another quiz)

11/11/19 is a Holiday - See you all on 11/13/19

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Class on 11/04

Read pages 69, 70 and 71. 
Prepare that there might be a quiz. 

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Class on 10/30/19

Choose a favorite dish, meal or even sandwich and write a simple recipe. 
Read workbook pages 63 to 66

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Class on 10/28/19

Students wrote simple past tense about the healthy and unhealthy things they ate over the weekend. Students shared in pairs and then built list of English verbs that are used in the process of cooking.

Later the whole class built a list, compared actions and identified cooking verbs that are considered healthy. Frying vs grilling for example.

Quiz #5  on page 52

Workbook pages 53 to 55.

Read pages 56 & 57
Study for Quiz #6 (on the reading above)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Class on 10/23/19

Review and comparison of Simple Past and Present Tense: What did you do on Tuesday vs What do you do on Tuesdays?

Discussion on last Monday evening's event at Cañada College.

Practice Quiz on Page 43.

Review of workbook pages 44 through 47

Homework: Read workbook pages 50, 51 and 52. There will be a quiz on page 52. 
Choose ten vocabulary words in the reading and write your own definition. It is okay to use a dictionary but don't copy. Write short definitions in your own words. 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Class on 10/21/19 MEET AT CAÑADA

There is a special event at Canada College. It is a presentation about special programs and career paths at our college. Please meet at 6:30 at the main theater (Building Three) on the map.

Please remember to buy a parking pass ($3.00). Call or text me if you need help on Monday. 

Read pages 43. Complete page 44 A and 45  B. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Class on 10/9/19 --Remember no Class on Monday 10/14/19--

Code Talkers During World War II

Pratice Quiz from reading on pages 35 and 36
1. This essay is about what language?
2. Why was it such an effective/good code?
No one knew it. Only the Navajo people.  Also 10 pronunciations for
each vowel. There were no code books.
3. What were ships named after? Fish and Whales etc.
4. Why did code talkers memorize everything? So if you get captured
 there was not book to steal!

How many generations back until your relatives
spoke something other than Spanish?

Student 1      Maya   4 generations ago
Garth            Norwegian 4 generations
Student 2      French 4 generations
Student 3      Masawa  1 generation
Student 4      German 5 generations

Garth's great, great, great, great , great grandfather was
Noah Webster (author of the first American dictionary- Websters's Dictionary.

Workbook pages 36, 37 and 38
Write down everything that happens in one dream.
Keep a notebook by your bed.
Listen to one song in English. Look up the words on line.
 (you can watch youtube videos with subtitles).

No Class on Monday 10/14/19!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Class on 10/7/19

What do you always dream about? What are you doing in your dreams? Students wrote about their dreams.

Quiz #4 on pages 23 and 24 "Who Moved My Cheese?"
  1. Name one of the Characters in the book.
  2. The characters are either people or what other animal?
  3. What do the humans do when the cheese is gone?
  4. Name one lesson that the original book is trying to teach us.
Homework: Workbook pages 28 and 29

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Class on 10/2/19

Warm Up practice Past Progressive (with simple past tense).

  1. I was washing the dishes when the lights went out.
  2. I was driving when the police raced by.
  3. I was talking to my brother, and I flashed back to when he was little. 

Introduction to Present Progressive
You are on the telephone and your friend asks you, "What are you doing?"

  1. I am watching a movie.
  2. I am making dinner.
  3. I am folding clothes.

Review of Quiz #2

First Home Oral Presentations

Homework: Study Pages 23 and 24
                    Read the article 3 times
                    Write 10 definitions on words you want to understand better

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Class on 9/30/19

In Class:
  1. Simple Past Tense Warm Up Exercise
  2. Introduction to Past Progress
  3. Pop quiz on page 18 Reading assignment
  4. Workbook page 19
  5. My First House presentation practice in groups of three. 
  6. Quick Walk Up and Eye Contact Exercise (for oral presentations). 

Homework: Pages 20, 21 and 22. Also find someone new to and describe your First Home. Go for 2 minutes and try not to read your notes but just talk from memory. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Class on 9/25/19

Out the window, I see a large cypress tree. I open the door and I can smell the hot tar that fills the cracks in the road. Every morning, I can hear the roosters crowing. Every night, I hear my dad watching the news on TV. My parents were artists so my first home was filled with art. It was an old house made of wood with a wooden shingled roof. From my house, I could walk to school and downtown. I lived with my parents and my sister. We had chickens, cats and a dog. On the walls were my father’s paintings. In the kitchen, I smell roasted chicken and in the living room I see the coach my father built. When I close my eyes, I can see my mom always busy, always watering the garden.


Find a Partner that you trust and discuss and describe your first home. Try not to read your notes but to really recall, remember and talk from the heart about your first home

Read page 18 two times. Pick 10 words and write your own definitions. Keep them short

Monday, September 23, 2019

Class on 9/23/19

Workbook Pages 12 and 13
Talk with a relative about the very first house/home that you can remember:
What did it look like? What could you see out the window? What did it smell like?
What could you hear when you stepped out the front door?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Study for Quiz on 9/23/19


Here are the verbs you need to study for Monday’s quiz;

Monday, September 16, 2019

Class on 9/16/19

Read workbook pages; 7, 8 and 9
Choose ten words and write what the word means (don't copy from the dictionary)
Check the blog for exact words for the quiz.

Class on 9/11/19

Homework: Workbook:
Write 15 sentences in simple past tense
Write 10 sentences in present tense.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Class on 9/9/19

Students practiced Simple Past sentences and "interviewed" their classmates. Each student reported the activity of one partner.

Review of Longman Academics online resources.

Review /return of students writing samples. Students were asked to keep these samples all semester.

Workbook pages 1-3

Homework: Look for email from Garth and follow links. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Class on 9/4/19

Practiced past tense and contractions
Prcticed To Be verb and all its contractions
Practiced writing negative statements

Homework: Complete the Workbook Packet - all pages
                      Email Garth
                      Visit the Class Blog. Take the short quiz. 

Monday, August 26, 2019

Class on 8/26/19

Welcome to ESL 911 
with Garth Bunse

Please go to the book store to buy this book: