Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Class on 2/24/15

Warm Up:

What did you do last weekend? Pair discussion and paragraph writing exercise.

Paragraph Rules:
  • Follow conventional paragraph form: Indent (use a indentation), don't number the lines. Don't end a line in the middle of the page (except the last sentence).
  • The whole paragraph follows one big idea, one theme, or one specific part of a story.
  • Introduce the big idea, the topic in the first. Introduce the topic: the general idea.
  • use very general descriptions.
  • Use specific details, supporting arguments and facts in the middle
  • Conclusion or ending sentences should circle back, reflect the intro sentence. Might be a summary or just a strong opinion. Also might be the final in a chronological story.
  • "Finally," "In the end," "To sum up," "To summarize," "in conclusion," "at last."
Students wrote a paragraph on the above topic.
Instructor reviewed corrected homework, common errors and editing marks on papers

Homework: Read La Linea Chapter 2. Write 5 adjectives for both Abuelita and 5 or Elena

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