Homework: Study for the last quiz
- take took
- get got
- find found
- tell told
- become became
- begin began
- keep kept
- hold held
- stand stood
- mean meant
Warm Up: informal discussion regarding sports
Oral Presentation Practice: Describe your favorite holiday meal
Practice Quiz
Paraphrasing: writing about the main idea
Gandhi page 11:
Gandhi started a new non-violent protest about jobs and clothes.
Gandhi does not want there to be violence.
Gandhi said, "Don't wear British clothes."
Gandhi doesn't want violence at his protests.
Gandhi page 18:
Gandhi started a new cause for the Untouchables.
Gandhi fast meant holy places were open for Untouchables for the first time in 3000 years.
Gandhi began a fast for the rights of Untouchables and all Indians responded to him.
Gandhi fasted and it had a powerful action on Indians.
All Indians fasted with Gandhi for the rights of Untouchables.
Story Telling

Oh man, I wish we had some bananas!
Is there one left in the pantry?
No, I ate that one yesterday. Come on let's go buy some bananas.
No way. My van is busted.
I'll fix it and then we can go. I'm jonesing for some plantinos man!
Bang, bang. Whir, whir, socket wrench, socket wrench.
It's not perfect but its ready to go
Crap! Look out its an accident. We'll never get to town.
Oh man! It's our lucky day. Its a delivery truck smashed into that fence. Look that's the driver down there trying to make a phone call.
Quick load the bus.
That's not gonna fit!
Sure it is. Come on. Its full lets drive off!
Oh no. My bus is broken!
Don't worry your bus was already broken and at least you have bananas!