Thursday, February 6, 2014

Class on 2/5/14

Warm Up: Students wrote 8 sentences on 4 topics. They practiced their responses with a partner.

The instructor demonstrated how to give a very brief presentation. Rules included:

  • Stand up.
  • Scan the room.
  • Make eye contact with one person (in the center of the room).
  • Talk to that one person only.
  • Say the following:
  • "Good Evening. My name is _________. (insert one sentence from practice). Thank you."
  • Sit down. 

Each student gave their short presentation. The instructor gave some general and specific critiques.

In pairs students researched current news stories on or
The students answered the following:  Who? What? Where, and When. Single word answers were satisfactory. Each pair read their title allowed. Some pairs volunteered to read their other answers.

Students took a practice quiz on the following:
  1. is       was
  2. came  come
  3. stand  stood
  4. eat      ate
  5. go      went
  6. have   had
  7. make  made
  8. visit    visited
  9. walk   walked
  10. drive   drove
  11. English
  12. daughter
  13. sandwich
  14. lunch
  15. Cañada College
Homework: Study the list above for a Quiz on Monday. Also read page 2 and 3 of Ventures Transitions. Listen to track 2 of the CD. On paper (Do Not Email) answer the following:

What 2 Hard skills do you have? Be specific.
What 2 Soft skills do you have? Be specific.

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