Monday, October 14, 2013

Class on 10-14-13

Warm Up: Students discussed Halloween and its connection to the Day of the Dead. The instructor took an informal poll of students to see who celebrates Halloween and who does not.

Students discussed in pairs the News story that they chose for the homework. The instructor circled to work with pairs and individuals. Students made sure to write one summary sentence in their own words and two quotes.

Students then wrote a paragraph about the news story using a set scaffold presented by the instructor.

The whole class read the letter below about the College Savings Program. Students discussed the merits and their interest.

Whole class reviewed the reader pages 31 and 32. Students read out load from pages 33 and 34.

Homework: write your own letter based on the letter on page 35. Your letter should include two sentences talking about your qualities. 

Study for the Quiz (verbs form 10/7/13

Dear Instructors,
Canada College has partnered with Opportunity Fund to raise awareness about the College Savings Program.

Opportunity Fund is a non-profit organization offering to enroll students who fit certain low-income guidelines in a program called College Savings.  Through this program, a student opens a savings account, and the savings are then matched by the organization.  For every $1 the student saves, he/she earns $2, up to a total of $4,000.  This money can be used to pay for school, including paying school fees, buying books, or even purchasing a laptop.

What the program promotes: Personal financial management and creating a habit of saving in our community.

How College Savings helps your students: They can open an Education Savings account to give them money for tuition, textbooks, or even a laptop

How it works:

•         Opportunity Fund opens a savings account for the students and then matches their savings.
•         For every $1 the student saves, they can earn $2.  They can save up to $2,000 of their own money, and earn up to $4,000 in matched funds.

How students qualify:

*   We have income guidelines that determine whether or not a student can qualify to open up an IDA.  For a family of four, the household income must be $47,100 or less (adding $8,040 for each additional person).
How you can help: Make a short announcement to your classes about one of the upcoming on-campus orientation:
CIETL Bldg 9, room 154

Where to sign up: Signing-up for this orientation is required.   Students need to contact the EOPS/CARE/CalWORKs Office (9-133) at (650) 306-3300 prior to the orientation date.

Thank you for your support, and for helping us to make college more affordable for your students.
The Savings Team
Opportunity Fund

Angelita Hernandez | Savings Operations Administrator
Opportunity Fund | 111 W St. John St, Suite 800 | San Jose, CA 95113

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