Saturday, January 28, 2012

Class on 1/26/12

Email homework question (as we discussed only 5 students need to reply): Why did class end early?

Class Summary: Each student interviewed a fellow classmate. Students were given a set of questions (and some sample answers). Then students reported to the whole class about the student they interviewed. Answers were generally in the third person and present tense.

Answers sounded like this: "She hates garlic. One of her favorite foods is enchiladas. On weekends she goes to church. She visits her family. She does laundry."

Whole class reviewed the blog address and the reason for the blog. One students described it as the blog is the "wall" where information about the class is posted. Students saw a demonstration of Gradekeeper where the instructor keeps track of homework and other assignments.

Homework for February 2nd:
Bring your copy of Beginnings and Beyond and your dictionary.


Anonymous said...

Because Mr. Garth was sick

Anonymous said...

because he felt sick

Anonymous said...

Because he felt sick.

Guadalupe said...

Because he felt sick.