Monday, January 26, 2009

Email question of the day: How many Japanese students does our class have?

Review of common past tense verbs. 

Students introduced themselves to others in small groups. They shared one lie and three truths and tried to trick the other students. Each small group had one representative repeat their introduction for the whole class while students on the other side of the room tried to figure out what the lie was. 

Review of first homework. Discussion of student responsibility and displaying the blog. 


Write an autobiographical paragraph (about yourself) and email or handwrite it. 

Remember you must show that you have the Grammar 3 text book by class on 2/4/09


Anonymous said...

Hi Garth my name is Iris Mejia. I'm from Honduras, I'm married and have two daugthers and a son also i have grandson they are all my family menbers.this semestre I am very happy because I'm taking your class and I'm learning in every class you explain very well I'm understand 85% of all classes but I hope i can inprove my english these is my short paragraph and have good day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Garth My question funny is Are you think I am from India?
No you wrong I'm from Honduras.