Wednesday, September 24, 2008


CR3 Quiz
1. What is one way that Meri Nana-ama Danquah tries to change her identity?

2. What marks* Meri as African and Not African- American?
*"marks" means made to feel or look a certain way. 

3. Define: Nostalgia

4. What does her daughter teach or show her?

5.  Respond to the passage "My Life as an Alien": try to write a paragraph.

Whole Class: Discussion of Quiz answers and the reading.

Return and Discussion of Linea Chapter 1-9 Test. 

From students own journals, students chose 3-4 vocabulary words, wrote them on the board and the whole class corrected spelling, eliminated some words and changed others to their root forms. This vocabulary list will be used for future exercises and quiz.


1 day extension: Journals due on 9/29/08
Read Chapter 11 of La Línea.

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