Out the window, I see a large cypress tree. I open the door and I can smell the hot tar that fills the cracks in the road. Every morning, I can hear the roosters crowing. Every night, I hear my dad watching the news on TV. My parents were artists so my first home was filled with art. It was an old house made of wood with a wooden shingled roof. From my house, I could walk to school and downtown. I lived with my parents and my sister. We had chickens, cats and a dog. On the walls were my father’s paintings. In the kitchen, I smell roasted chicken and in the living room I see the coach my father built. When I close my eyes, I can see my mom always busy, always watering the garden.
Find a Partner that you trust and discuss and describe your first home. Try not to read your notes but to really recall, remember and talk from the heart about your first home
Read page 18 two times. Pick 10 words and write your own definitions. Keep them short