Thursday, April 27, 2017

Class on 4/26/17

Warm Up: Students practiced giving simple directions/commands to the whole class: "Stand up, sit down. Turn to the left, etc." Body language is key!

Workbook Pages 110 through 113 
Students learned about independent clauses and their opposites: subordinate clauses
Subordinate clauses cannot stand alone, and must be connected to an independent clause. 

Also, subordinate clauses almost always start with Subordinators. The most common are the following:
  • when
  • after
  • because
  • if
Students practiced writing a draft Process paragraph. Students used the same topics on 106 (we already practiced Topic Sentences and Conclusions for the same). Example below (imperative verbs are circled): 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Class on 4/24/17

Warm up:
Students practiced writing steps with imperative verb forms from various topics

Review of workbook pages 104 through 108:

Students identified imperative verbs (not in phrases with "is,"missing subject and no use of -ing endings)

Practice identifying tone

Students practiced writing conclusions for topics on page 106:

Homework: Write on a separate piece of paper. **I will collect.**

A) Change group 2 on page 108 into a paragraph. Add an introduction and conclusion
B) Write three conclusion sentences from 3 topics of your choice on page 106

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Class on 4/19/17

Warm Up:

Whole class read the following article:

Good Manners in the 21st Century

Discussion and review of DRAFT Shopping Paragraphs

Workbook Page 105 and 106.

These are the imperative forms you need to use for process paragraphs:


Use one of the verbs above with one of the following process key words:


Students worked in pairs to write four intro sentences for mock process paragraphs

Homework: Type Final of Shopping Paragraph
                    Make sure you have 17-18 journal entries. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Class on 4/17/17

Warm UP; Students wrote sentences about their weekend and shared highlights during role call.

The whole class read and analyzed an edited version of a recent article in The Atlantic

Workbook Pages 102 through 104

Homework: Read pages 105 and 106
                   Last dead line for draft Shopping paragraphs is by email on Tuesday

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Class on 4/12/17

Hello Students, my new book is free on Amazon from 4/13 to 4/17. Please get a copy!
First Draft paragraph on Shopping
Must be typed and turned in on Monday
Must contain a logical division key word (p. 82)
Full instructions are on Page 99 (and use p. 84 to help)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Class on 4/10/17

Warm Up: Very short free writing with a couple of prompting questions. Students then practiced stating a possible Topic Sentence or the controlling idea that came out of the writing.

Review of corrected Mid Term Exams. Scores ranged from 77% to 100%. Importantly, everyone that took the exam passed the paragraph writing section.

  • Specifically, the whole class built the following lists of paragraph rules that must be mastered to pass the class:
  • Indent (or use 5 spaces) for the first sentence. Don't indent or leave a whole line space again in the same paragraph.
  • Follow Punctuation Rules: use periods and capital letters, create compound sentences with ", and I" or in other words: comma, coordinating conjunction and a new subject. 
Don't forget the period, and or the new subject-- this is called a "run-on." 
T.S. is both focused and clear (see scale below).

  • Main points are clearly stated and details are given for each
  • Use of at least two transition signals
  • Conclusion: at a minimum use "In conclusion," and sentence should recycle key ideas and re-state key words.

We also discussed how to make the best topic sentence.The scale is outlined here with the weakest sentence on top and the strongest on the bottom:
Review and pair practice in workbook pages 88 through 94.

1. Workbook page 95
2. Bring your journal to class. Make sure you have 10 to 12 entries. That equals 10 to 12 pages.