Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Class on 1/25/16

Warm up exercise:
Students thought about one way they helped someone that day. They were asked "What good deed did you do today?" Students answered in simple past tense.

Review of most common irregular past tense verbs. Students must study Rank 1 through 25 for a quiz on Wednesday. Quiz is on past tense (not Participles). The list is attached here:
                         Irregular Past Tense

Students read about George Lucas and discussed rules for paragraph formatting and capitalization rules.

Homework: study for quiz
                     Finish "worksheet 1" and "worksheet 2" on adjectives/adverbs worksheets: 
                     Find the capitalization errors on page 12 of the workbook. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Class on 1/20/16

Spring 2016
Welcome to ESL 923
Grammar and Writing III

In the first day of class each student had to "interview" another student. What was one of the questions?  Email Garth the answer.

Your textbook looks like this: