Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Class on 9/28/15

Workbook pages 61and 62
Journal entry: free write on the topic of your choice.
Be ready to turn in your journal on Wednesday. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Class on 9/23/15


  1. Write second draft of your Memorable Event: bring a hard copy (computer printed copy).
  2. Read workbook pages 54, 55 
  3. Complete workbook pages 53, and 55, 56, 57

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Class on 9/21/15

1. Complete workbook page 46 on Compound Words
2. Write a First Draft of a Memorable Event

  • Use the Freewrite idea on page 44, the Memorable Event questions from page 47, or a childhood memory from the journal entry at the beginning of class. Make sure you write about something that truly interests you.
  • Organize your ideas. Think about the most important or compelling pieces and use time order signals
  • Do you want to entertain, inform or persuade?) Use page 38/39 as a guide
  • Write a first draft- Use a computer and bring a printed copy

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Class on 9/14/15

Class on 9/16/15 is cancelled. 

Class Warm Up
Read your rough draft paragraphs (A Core Characteristic) to a partner.

Review of Workbook pages 33 through 39


  1. Get a small journal
  2. Write your first journal entry. This entry should be a reaction to Labor/Job Outsourcing (class handout)
  3. Complete workbook pages 40, 41 and 42
  4. Write your second journal entry: Topic or theme is optional. Free write and try to write one plus page. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

class on 9/9/15


  1. Write a first draft paragraph on an important personal characteristic. It should be something that really defines or drives you.  Use the list of adjectives we built or your own. 
  2. Write a second draft of your- Person who made a difference paragraph.
  3. Answer and complete workbook pages 33, 34 and 35

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Class on 9/2/15


  1. Complete edits (expand only if needed) on your "Introduction Paragraph"
  2. Return the first computer printed draft
  3. Read and study pages 253 through 255 of the workbook
  4. write and print a first draft paragraph of "Person Who Made a Difference" paragraph. Write fast, freely and allow yourself to make mistakes. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Class on 8/31/15

Homework: A Person Who Has Made a Difference 
Follow the guides on P 21, 21 and 23 of the workbook:
You will turn in three pieces of paper with the following:

  1. Write a list of 6 to 10 people who have made a difference in your life or the lives of others. Circle your choice
  2. Write that person at the top of second page. Now list what they have done. Don't limit your ideas: just write, make mistakes! Don't worry if ideas seem crazy or unimportant. Then take a break. Go back to the list and circle the most important reason (or two reasons). Cross out the little ideas that don't support the main reason.
  3. On the third page start an outline (its okay if you out line is incomplete) follow model on page 23